Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"He thinks he's a liberal (bless his heart)"

FYI: I am an Obama supporter.  Not because he's black and I value racial equality (I do).  Not because he's cool (he is) and I'm under 30 so I like the cool guy.  Not because he FINALLY said something in support of gay MARRIAGE (instead of using other euphemisms), not because I'm too stupid to be Republican or Libertarian, and not because I'm too dumb to understand his economic policy or any other policy.  Not because I hate rich people (someone needs to be able to contribute more than $5 to the campaign).  I am a real life, actual liberal like they show on National Geographic in its natural habitat (Portland, OR maybe).  And, yes, I do know what that means even if you think (a) it's a bad word or (b) it just refers to me being okay with the gay or other social hippy free love stuff.

I actually believe in the fiscal policy of the President...because it works!

I actually believe in Health Reform...because it has made American lives better and improved a broken system.

My criticisms of the President are almost ALWAYS because he has not been liberal ENOUGH (i.e. avoiding single payer discussion, war policy, extension of Bush's anti-terrorism policies).  I like it when people call the president a socialist because (1) I know he isn't one and I think it's funny and (2) I sort-of am a socialist in many ways.  I favor an economic policy that redistributes wealth because ALL economic policy does that...even if you are a libertarian and think that government shouldn't even build roads and should only pay for defense, because that's just taking people's money and distributing it to the "defense industry."  Rich people don't get rich on their own...the rest of us pay for the roads that ship material to and from their factory, the police force that protects their assets, the fire department that responds to fires at their factory, the education of the employees that work there, the roads and public transportation that carry those employees safely to and from work, the product safety regulation that ensures they don't use dangerous materials that could harm their business or produce hazardous products that could harm others, etc. etc. etc.  I'm a liberal who actually believes in the President's tax policy...because, if implemented in full force, I believe it would strengthen a weakened middle class and close an income gap that threatens to collapse our free market economy.

Yes, I applaud the advances made for gay rights by this President.  I can't imagine a gay person voting for another candidate, because none of them have the record for advancing equality for LGBT persons the way that Barack Obama does.  That doesn't mean that we've arrived or that the President's record is exhaustive or perfect...equality is hard won, and can't be accomplished by a single politician, no matter how effective.  Politics are still politics and involve nuance (lying) and maneuvering (manipulation).  And that also doesn't mean there aren't LGBT people (or allies) that would vigorously discuss with me my inability to imagine them voting for someone else!  But I would just appreciate it if people would stop talking to me like I only support Obama because I don't know any better (bless my heart).

I'm not a conservative who is gay so I have to support Obama.  I don't applaud Obama's record on certain civil rights because I think that his record is perfect or because I didn't know there were gay republicans or that libertarians would sort-of let me get married too (so long as they could abolish state recognition of marriage altogether and so long as I'm religious since marriage to a libertarian is only a religious affair and not a cultural and social construct, centuries in the making).

I'm not a "fiscal conservative" who just doesn't know I have other options in this election (there's nothing "conservative" about giving tax breaks to big oil or about the top 1% of the country owning a massive percentage of GDP). I'm actually a progressive who believes the more wealth someone has, the more taxes they should pay as a larger percentage of their income, and that the biggest problem with our social welfare system isn't fraud but inaccessibility and lack of effective benefits.

I'm not a closet Libertarian who favors laissez faire economic policy or even social policy for that matter!

I do not care about the size of government as much as I care about its effectiveness.  I am a civil libertarian because that's part of liberalism, not because I didn't realize there was an entire political philosophy called libertarianism that I could subscribe to.  And that speaks to much of the commonality that exists among disparate factions of American political thinking...and why we should have more respect for our common ground in these discussions of politics or religion or any other divisive issue (I know: physician, heal thyself!)

I'm a liberal.  And that means I favor elections where everyone can vote (easily, without hindrance, encouraging the highest turnout of voters...even in red Texas) and where you can be as Republican, conservative, Libertarian, or whatever as you want!  I LOVE that so many of my friends are actually just basic conservatives (about everything except they support equality or women's rights or health care reform or whatever exception they might make that endears them to me LOL) and that so many are ACTUAL liberals who are constantly having to patiently explain that they aren't just a confused conservative who didn't know you could be for the Bush tax cuts and marriage equality at the same time.  It's just that I believe people are conservative and/or to the right of me because they disagree with me about fundamental issues of policy or political philosophy...not because they don't get what being conservative means or they don't understand the issues or they are hateful or anti-God or anti-America.  I just like when people treat me with the same deference. I'd rather be yelled at than dismissed.

And, just in case my positions above didn't make you mad enough...I'm not just a liberal who is a Christian, I'm also a liberal Christian...a theological liberal...but that's a whole other series of blog posts!

Now grab your pitchforks and torches and discuss...  :)

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